Surf Forecast Surf Report

Previsione di surf e rapporti di surf per AUSTRALIA

Le previsioni di surf e i rapporti di surf per le migliori località costiere, barriere e località di surf in Australia. Le località di surf sono raggruppate per regione e il nostro Localizzatore di onde cerca il punto migliore per surfare in Australia ogni giorno in base alle previsioni surf locali.
Australia energia delle onde da surf 12 ora previsioni

Previsioni Energia d'onda (Potenza): 12hrs


Aldinga Beach Parsons Beach The Trough
Christies Reef Rapid Bay Triggs Beach Adelaide
Gull Rock Seaford Reef Tunkalilla
Maslin Beach Sellicks Beach Waitpinga
Myponga Beach South Moana Reefs Y-Steps
North Moana Beach South Port Adelaide


Bribie Island Moreton Island - East Coast
Moreton Island - Cape Moreton Moreton Island - Yellow Patch

Cape Otway

Apollo Bay Kennet Rivermouth/Point St George River
Boneyards Lorne Point Wye River
Cathedral Rock Marengo
Cumberland River Sawmills

Darwin - Northern Territories

Casuarina (Darwin) Rapid Creek - Bar Rapid Creek - Reef
Fannie Bay Rapid Creek - Beach

East Coast of Tasmania

4 Mile Beach and Point Cremorne Point Park Beach
Bambra Reef Dark Hollow Perons Beach
Beer Barrel Beach Eaglehawk Neck Beach Rebounds
Binalong Beach Eaglehawk Neck Reef Redbill Beach
Bruny Island - Cloudy Bay Friendly Beaches Remarkable Caves
Bruny Island - Coal Point Goats Bluff Roaring Beach
Bruny Island - Jawbones Governors Island Safety Cove Reef
Bruny Island - Lagoons Hope Beach Scamander Rivermouth
Bruny Island - Lighthouse Bay Howrah Beach Seven Mile Beach and Point
Bruny Island - Mabel Bay Kelpies Shelly Point
Bruny Island - Neck Bay Lauderdale Point Shipstern Bluff
Buxton Point Little Beach Swansea Point
Cape Direction (Hurdies) Little Swanport Tessellated Pavements
Carlton Rivermouth Marion Bay The Wedge
Cattle Grid May's Point
Clifton Beach Orford Rivermouth

East Coast of Victoria

Buckleys Reef (Wilsons Promontory) Mallacoota Shelly Beach
Cape Conran Norman Bay (Wilsons Promontory) Squeaky Beach (Wilsons Promontory)
Cape Liptrap Oberon Bay (Wilsons Promontory) Suicides
Cape Paterson Picnic Bay (Wilsons Promontory) Tip Beach
Darbys (Wilsons Promontory) Point Hicks Walkerville
Eagles Nest Red Bluff Wonthaggi
Kilcunda Sandy Point Woodside Beach (Wilsons Promontory)
Lakes Entrance Sealers Cove (Wilsons Promontory)

Eyre Peninsula

Baird Bay Reef Granites Sleaford Bay (Wreck Beach)
Blackfellows Greenly Beach (Coles Point) The Island
Coffin Bay Peninsula Monument Thistle Island (False Creek)
Corvisart Bay Red Banks Reefs Venus Bay
Drummond Point Sceale Bay Yanerbie
Fishery Bay Searcy Bay and Point Labatt
Flatrock Sheringa Beach

Far South New South Wales

Aisling's Beach Denhams Beach North Broulee
Aragunnu Beach Durras North North Durras Reef
Asling's Beach Horseshoe Bay Pambula Rivermouth
Bar Beach (Narooma) Kianga Point Pink Rocks
Bears Beach Lennards Island Saltwater
Bermagui Rivermouth Malua Bay Short Point
Bingie Beach Mckenzies Beach South Broulee
Blackfellows Point Merimbula Bar South Durras
Broulee Main Beach (S end) Mills Point Tathra
Bunga Head Moruya Breakwater Tilba Tilba Beach
Camel Rock Moruya Rivermouth Tomaga Rivermouth
Congo Beach - The Suck Mosquito Bay Wallaga Rivermouth
Dalmeny Point Narooma Breakwall Yabbarra

Far South of Western Australia

Bandy Creek groyne Lowlands Beach Salmon Holes Reef
Bremer Bay Mandalay Beach Sand Patch Beach
Cape Arid Middleton Beach Twelve Mile Beach
Chapmans Point Mutton Bird Beach Twilight Beach
Cheynes Point Mylies Beach West Beach
Conspicuous Beach Nanarup Beach Wests and Seconds
Crazies NIne Mile Beach Wilsons Inlet
Cyclops Ocean Beach Windy Harbour
Fourth Beach Peaceful Bay Wylie Bay
Hush Hush Beach Rocky Head
Lights Beach Salmon Bay

Far West of Victoria

Bay of Martyrs Glenelg Rivermouth Portland
Blacknose Point Grannys Grave Beach The Cutting
Castle Cove Japs The Jetty
Childers Cove Mepunga Johanna The Well
Dredges Luna Park Warnambool Surf Beach
Easter Reef Massacres Whites Reef
Flume Beach Point Ronald and Princetown
Gibson Steps Port Fairy (East Beach)

Gold Coast

Akkorokamui Mermaid Beach Snapper Rocks
Broadbeach Miami State High School South Stradbroke
Burleigh Heads Narrow Neck Southport Main Beach
Currumbin Point Nobby's Beach Surfers Paradise
Duranbah North Stradbroke - Pt Lookout Tallebudgera
Greenmount North Stradbroke-Cylinders The Spit
Kirra Palm beach Tugun
Main Beach - North Stradbroke Island Rainbow Bay


Acids Gerroa (7 Mile Beach) Sharkies
Austinmer Beach Headlands Stanwell Park
Austinmer Pools Kiama Pool The Bombie
Barrack Point Kiama Wedge The Farm
Bellambi Point Little Austi and Main Beach Thirroul
Black Point Marley Thommos
Bombo Beach Mystics Towradgi
Boneyard North Era Werri Beach
Bulli Beach Oilies Werri Point
Burning Palms Peggys Windang Island
Coalcliff Port Kembla Beach Wollongong North Beach
Cowries Sandon Point Wollongong South Beach
Fairy Meadow Scarborough Beach Wombarra
Garie Beach Seven Mile Beach Woonona

Kangaroo Island

Cape Kersaint Hanson Bay Stokes Bay
Cape Young Husband Pennington Bay Vivonne Bay
D'Estrees Bay Sandy Creek

Lord Howe Island

Cheese Graters

Margaret River

Augusta Rivermouth Injidup Carpark Smiths Point Left
Big Rock Injidup Point Smiths reef
Boneyards Isolators South Point
Boodjidup Beach Lefthanders Southside
Boranup Beach Lighthouse Spot x
Bunker Bay Bommie Margaret River - South Side Supertubes
Castle Rock Margaret River Bommie Surfers Point
Cobblestones Margaret River Mouth The Bombie and Boat Ramp
Conto Springs Meelup The Box
Copeys Left Moses Rock The Farm
Cow Bombie Mousetraps The Gallows
Deepdene Noises The Guillotine
Ellensbrook North Point The Quarries
Gas Bay Otherside of the Moon The Three Bears
Gnarabup Pea Break The Window
Grunters Point Picquet The Womb
Honeycombs Rabbit Hill Willyabrup
Hussas Redgate Windmills
Huzzawouie (Huzzas) Rocky Point Yallingup Beach

Mornington Peninsula

Allisons Farm Pines
Balnarring Point Gunnamatta Beach Point Leo
Brighton Beach (Melbourne) Gunnery Portsea Back Beach
Bushrangers Bay Honeysuckle Point Quarantine
Cape Schanck Meanos Rye Ocean Beach
Crunchie Pt Mornington Mills Mothers Beach Spooks
Cyrils and Big Left Peak Rock St Andrews Beach
Davey's Bay (D-Bay) Pearses Beach Yellow Buoys


Anna Bay-Morna Point Dixon Park Nobbys Reef
Avoca Point Fingal Bay One Mile Beach
Backdoor 4 Flat Rock Pelican Beach
Banzai Fly Roads Redhead
Bar Beach Forresters Shallows
Bar Reef Frazer Park Shelley Beach
Birdie Beach Frenchmans Reef Soldiers Beach
Blacksmiths Beach JD Reef Stockton Beach
Blue Bay Lakes Beach Sunset
Boat Ramp Leggy Point Swansea Beach
Box Beach Little Bombie Terrigal Haven
Box Head Little Gibber - Dark Point The Cliff
Catherine Hill Bay Macmasters Point Triangles
Caves Beach Merewether - Ladies Umina Beach
Caves Point Moonee Umina Point
Copacobana Point Newcastle - Stratts Spit Wamberal Beach
Cowrie Hole Newcastle - The Wedge Zenith Beach
Crabbs Creek Newcastle -The Harbour
Crackneck Newcastle Beach

Norfolk Island

Anson Bay Kingston

North Coast - New South Wales

Angourie Lefts Diggers Pippi Beach
Angourie Point Dreamtime Pottsville Beach
Arrawarra Emerald Beach Sharps Beach
Backsides Evans Head-Airforce Beach Snapper Point
Ballina North Wall Evans Head-South Wall Spookies
Ballina South Wall Fingal Point and Beach Suffolk Park
Black Rock Flat Rock Tallows Beach
Broken Head Gallows The Pass
Brunswick Heads North Iluka Bluff Turners Beach
Brunswick River Iluka-North Wall Tweed River Breakwall
Brunswick River-South Lennox Head Wategos
Byron Bay - The Wreck Macauleys Woody Head
Cabarita Moonee Beach and Creek Woolgoolga
Casuarina Beach Mullaway Woolgoolga Back Beach
Chinamans Norries Head
Corindi Beach North wall

North Coast of Tasmania

Devonport Rivermouth Flinders Island - Trousers Point Mini Bluff
East Beach King Island - Narracoopa Beach Tam O'Shanter

North West WA

Blue Holes Flat Rocks Beach (WA) Lighthouse Bombie
Bowes Rivermouth Gantheaume Point (Broome) Mahomets Back Beach
Cable Beach (Broome) Glenfield Port Denison
Coronation Beach Gnaraloo Red Bluff
Dirk Hartog Island Greenough Separation Point
Dongara-Port Denison Greenough River Mouth Steep Point
Drummonds Hells Gate Sunset Beach Geraldron
Dunes Horrocks Tarcoola (Chanteez)
Explosives (Geraldton Lighthouse) Jakes Turtles


Backdoors Caves Spoggies
Cactus Crushers Supertubes
Castles Cunns Witzigs

Perth City Coast

Alkimos Floreat groyne Observation City
Artificial reef Golden Bay Scarborough Beach
Avalon Point Grabbers Secret Harbour
Back Beach Guilderton Rivermouth Singleton
Bennion Beach Cleggies Lancelin Swanbourne Beach
Cable Station Reef Ledge Point The Spot
City Beach groyne Leighton Beach Trigg Beach
Cottesloe Beach Main Beach Trigg Point
Cozies and Geeries Melros Watermans
Derrs Mullaloo

Perth South Coast

Bay Left Wall Bunbury Fragles Dalyellup Beach
Bunbury Ammos Bunbury Sidies Peppermint Grove Reef
Bunbury Bay Bunbury Surf Club Backbeach Port Geographe Bay
Bunbury BP Reef Bunbury The groyne
Bunbury Clam Bunbury The Wall

Phillip Island

Anzacs Forrest Caves (Phillip Island) Smiths Beach
Berrys Beach Kitty Miller Bay Summerland Bay
Cat Bay (Shelly Beach) Left Point Sunderland Bay
Centre Crack Magic Lands Surf Beach
Cowrie Beach Ocean Reach Surfies Point
Express Point Pyramid Rock Woolamai
Flynns Reef Right Point (Cat Bay)

Port Macquarie

Back Beach Plommer Forster Beach (Nambucca) Sawtell
Back Bommie Hat Head Sawtell-The Island
Blueys Beach Hawks Nest-Mungo Brush Scotts Head
Bonny Hills Lighthouse Beach Port Macquarie Seal Rocks
Boomerang Beach (North) Nambucca Heads Shelly Beach
Boomerang Beach (South) North Haven Suck Rock 2
Booti Booti National Park Park Beach Trapdoors
Coffs Harbour-North Wall Point Plomer Treachery Head
Crescent Head Point Plomer Beach Tuncurry-North Wall
Diamond Head Port Macquarie-North Breakwall Valla Beach
Elim Port Macquarie-Town Beach Yacaaba Head-Boulders
Elizabeth Beach Saltwater
Forster Beach Sandbar

Queensland North Coast

Agnes Waters Eimeo Point Inskip Point
Archies Elliott Heads Lamberts Beach
Dolphin Heads Fraser Island - Indian Head North Wall Mackay Harbour Beach
Double Island Point - East Side Fraser Island - Maheno Wreck South Wall Mackay Harbour
Double Island Point - North Coast Fraser Island - Waddy Point

Rottnest Island

Cathedral Rock Radar Reef Stark Bay
Chicken Reef Salmon Point Strickland Bay

South Australia - East Coast

Bashams Bommie Dump Beach Petrel Cove
Beachport Frenchman's Rock (Frenchies) Piccaninnie Ponds
Boomer Beach Goolwa Beach Posties
Bullies Goolwa Rivermouth Rivoli Bay
Canunda National Park Horseshoe Bay 1 Stoney Rise
Cape Northumberland Kelps The Dump
Carpenters Rocks Knights The Pines
Chicken Run Bashams Beach Long Beach Victor Harbour (Shark Alley)
Chiton Rocks Middleton Beach
Douglas Point Middleton Point

South Coast - New South Wales

Aussie pipe Cudmirrah Reef Mollymook Beach
Bannister Head Suck Rock Depot Beach North Tabourie
Bawley Point Dolphin Point Pebbly Beach
Bendalong Beach Dum Dums Plantation Point
Blenheim Beach Golf Course Reef Rennies Beach
Callala Green Island Ulladulla Bommie
Coneeleys Reef Guillotines

Sunshine Coast

Alexandra Headland Moffats Rights Old Woman Island - South Side
Ann Street Peaks Mooloolaba Peregian Creek
Anne Street Reef Mudjimba Beach Pin Cushion
Castaways Beach National Park Pocket
Coolum Beach Noosa - Alexandria Bay Point Cartwright/Secrets
Currimundi Beach Noosa - Boiling Pot The Bluff
Dickys Noosa - First Point The Groin (Noosa)
Happys Noosa - Granite Bay The groyne
Kawana Beach Noosa - Johnsons The Reef
Kings Beach Noosa - Sunshine Beach Twinnies
Long Track Noosa - Tea Tree Bay Wurtulla
Maroochydore Beach Noosa Main Beach Yaroomba Beach
Moffats Left Old Woman Island - North Side

Sydney North Coast

Avalon-North Lady Jane Bay Narrabeen-South
Avalon-South Little Avalon Newport - The Peak
Balmoral Point Little Makaha Newport Reef
Bilgola Beach Long Reef Newport-Crosswaves
Bungan Beach Long Reef Bombie No Mans Land
Butterbox Manly Palm Beach
Collaroy Manly-North Steyne Palm Beach Reef
Curl Curl Manly-South Steyne Queenscliff
Curl Curl Point Mona Vale Beach Queensie Bombie
Dee Why Point Mona Vale-The Basin The Wedge
Fairy Bower Narrabeen-Alley Rights Turimetta Beach
Freshwater and Harbord Narrabeen-Car Park Rights Warriewood
Kiddies Corner Narrabeen-North Winkipop

Sydney South Coast

Bondi Beach Cronulla -The Wall Maroubra Beach
Bronte Beach Cronulla Point Mckenzies Bay
Bronte Reef or Bunnies Elouera (Cronulla) Shark Island (Cronulla)
Clovelly Bombie Green Hills Tamarama Reef
Coogee Lurline Bay The Boot
Cronulla Malabar Voodoo


13th Beach-The Beacon Eva Point Roadnight
13th Beach-The Bluff Fairhaven Raffs Beach
Altona Pier Fishermans Beach Southside
Anglesea Grinders Sparras
Bancoora Hut Gulley Steps
Bells Beach - Bowl Jan Juc Toquay Reef
Bells Beach - Rincon Jarosite Reef Torquay Front Beach
Bird Rock Point Addis Torquay Point
Boobs Point Impossible Winki Pop
Centreside Point Lonsdale

West Coast of Tasmania

Church Bay Mount Cameron Trial Harbour
Greens Point Beach Nettley Bay Point
Lighthouse Beach Nettley Bay Reefs

Yorke Peninsula

A-Bay (Willyama Bay) Ethel Wreck The Spit
Baby Lizards Pondalowie Bay Trespassers
Berry Bay Rhino Head Troubridge Point
Chinamans Salmon Hole West Cape
Daly Heads Spits

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